Out of Print and Unavailable

Out of Print and Unavailable Filmography (with Band Of The Land Films)

Band Of The Land Films started out as me and Beth, the two core members of my first band The Band Of The Land – the first short film we made together was The Scarf, which we started making in 2002 and finished in 2004.

We made over 100 short films together between then and 2008, and there came to be a lot of different people involved in those years – I always had a hand in writing, directing, and editing whatever we did, and Beth was also involved with most of these projects.

Because of how many of these short films there are, it wouldn’t make much sense to write about every single one of them individually – but most of them are out of print and no longer available online, so a lot of them would technically be on this list.

However, almost everything we made after 2005 ended up being included in an episode of one of these 3 series: BOTL Radio, BOTL Total, and BOTL Lite – these were our series that we made weekly episodes of by putting all the different films we made that week together and sequencing them in a way that would tell a broader story.

So instead of writing about all the 100+ short films we made, I talked about a lot of different things we did and the context of them within those 3 series.

By the summer of 2008, we were all kind of exhausted, and it seemed like the right time to move on to other projects.

I got back into making music in 2009, after a long hiatus – I also started making short films again around the same time, but with a different approach, and under my own name, Jesse Statman.

picture from the dream scene in Episode 1 of Ondé (2007), which I wrote about in the page for BOTL Total

Out of Print and Unavailable Filmography (with Band Of The Land Films)
BOTL Lite Season 1 (2007-’08)
BOTL Total Season 1 (2007-’08)
BOTL Radio Seasons 1-3 (2005-’07)
Road to Fame Season 1 (2005-’06)
The Baseball Effect* (2005)
The Baseball Effect* (2005)
Skits and The Baseball Effect (2004)

(or, go to the beginning for the full list of out-of-print and unavailable projects)

* In total, we made 3 different short films called The Baseball Effect. 2 of them were made in the year 2005, but they are not the same movie – they just happen to have the same exact title and were made and released in the same exact year.

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